A few weeks ago I read this article on Mickey Rourke. I wasn't familiar with his work but he was supposedly the shining light on the hill for the acting industry for a time. His story is a familiar one: great talent and promise combined with destructive habits and poor decision making. The end result is another life turned cautionary tale. The great thing about this story, though, is that Micky is given a second chance in The Wrestler. I obviously haven't seen it yet, but it looks like it will have great redeeming qualities mainly because the character in the story has the same story as the actor who plays him. I imagine it will produce some very powerful scenes, and i hope, the resurrection of Micky Rourke. We all need redemption, no?
Jack, Darren Aronofsky is an amazing director, you should see all of his movies if you can...you have probably seen a few already. I feel stupid that I haven't heard of this one...I have been out of the loop. Thanks!
thats why i'm here: to keep you in the loop....i'm not familiar with his work. but if this movie is all i hope it is, i'll give him another shot for sure.
I first noticed Rourke recently in SIN CITY. He played Marv, the real awesome brute with all the band-aids. He was also a bounty hunter in DOMINO. He's pretty cool and I'm looking forward to this movie.
(sorry i haven't commented at all, school and work have been crunching me)
i don't remember him in DOMINO, i'll have to look back at that. you da man, alex!
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